ETJ Writes

⚡️THORUNN⚡️ Virtual Book Launch Party!


Virtual Book Launch Party

May 20, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Instagram Live/Twitter

Featuring giveaways, a live reading of the first chapter, an open write-in interview session on Twitter, and lots of behind-the-scenes details about the making of ⚡️THORUNN⚡️ by middlegrade and young adult author Esther T. Jones

THORUNNJones will be appearing on Wednesday, May 20th on Instagram live & Twitter for the virtual book launch party of ⚡️THORUNN⚡️, Jones’ sophomore novel and debut sci-fi work.

From 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Jones will be appearing live on Instagram to read the first chapter of her novel and will host a live Q&A directly following.

From 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Jones will be participating in the #BookPartyChat hosted by @bookpartychat on Twitter – get your questions ready and have fun participating in this virtual write-in online interview event!

At 3:30 p.m. Jones will be returning to Instagram live to recap the #BookPartyChat event and answer any questions that may have been missed. Giveaway winners will also be announced during this time.

Prizes include select pieces of ⚡️THORUNN⚡️ swag, and a signed copy of the novel.

As part of the celebration, Jones’ medieval themed YA/MG novel, Tedenbarr of Have Lath will be available for purchase at only .99¢ during the entire event!

This online event is free and open to the public.

*Twitter/Instagram accounts required to participate.
*Recordings of the event to be uploaded later to the ETJ Writes Channel on Youtube.